The Shadow of the Wind is a mesmerising love story and literary thriller, which twists and turns and enthralls with its cast of vengeful souls, threatening spectres and innocent hearts. It is 1945 and Barcelona is enduring the long aftermath of civil war when Daniel Sempereâ€TMs bookseller father decides his son is old enough to visit the secret Cemetery of Forgotten Books. There Daniel must †̃adoptâ€TM a single book, promising to care for it and keep it alive always. His choice falls on The Shadow of the Wind. Bewitched, he embarks on an epic quest to find the truth about Julian Carax, the bookâ€TMs mysterious author. Soon Daniel is consumed by strange discoveries about love and obsession, art and life, and how they become entangled within the shadow world of books. This edition of Carlos Ruiz Zafonâ€TMs much-loved bestseller includes Chapter One of his new literary sensation The Angelâ€TMs Game.
Carlos Ruiz Zafon—The Shadow Of The Wind
7,50 €Prix
- 9781920885854